Kick Some ADHD


Our Latest Episode

#210 Dealing with Difficult Times

#210 Dealing with Difficult Times

Life is tough. There's no way around it. We have to deal with so much in our external world that we can't control. So much stress and overwhelm. And this summer for me was definitely rough. So I have been thinking about dealing with difficult times. And what I do....

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Ep. 110: Inside/Outside ADHD

Ep. 110: Inside/Outside ADHD

If you’ve ever attempted a series of quick fixes and temporary solutions to ADHD-related problems, you know that eventually you realize they don’t work. Working toward lasting change that addresses the root issues requires going inward. Today Dana takes us on that journey, and shows us how the internal work translates into outward actions that produce authentic results in our lives.

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Ep. 109: Accountability: the ADHD Power Tool

Ep. 109: Accountability: the ADHD Power Tool

Not all “accountability” techniques work for those of us with ADHD. But when you set it up optimally, it’s an amazing power tool that you can’t afford to be without! Here’s how to do it.

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Ep. 108: Neuronerd News

Ep. 108: Neuronerd News

How do stimulants actually work to sharpen attention in our brains? Has science discovered the connection between exercise & dopamine? Why do ADHD brains sometimes run out of energy sooner than others? We’re looking at these questions and more with a roundup of some recent developments in neuroscience to help us better understand our ADHD and how to work with it.

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Ep. 107: Networking Like a Pro

Ep. 107: Networking Like a Pro

Building and nurturing relationships are essential professional skills—whether or not you participate in networking activities. But are there ADHD-friendly ways to be great at them? Absolutely! We talk about those and a lot more!

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Ep. 106: Remember You’ll Forget

Ep. 106: Remember You’ll Forget

Many of us with ADHD have amazing memories. It’s just that we don’t always remember the things we NEED to remember… WHEN and WHERE we need to remember them. And that means we need a system! (But an easy one that’s ADHD friendly and that we’ll actually remember to use!)

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Ep.105: Stress and ADHD

Ep.105: Stress and ADHD

When stress becomes constant in our lives, it can seriously wreak havoc with our ADHD symptoms. Today we look at how to recognize when you’re dealing with chronic stress and practical, ADHD-friendly ways to reduce your stress for good!

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Ep. 104: Distraction to Action

Ep. 104: Distraction to Action

Waiting around for motivation to strike is BS. Today, we’re giving you permission to use distraction—on purpose! So often, we think about distraction as a negative thing with ADHD., but distracting yourself can be just the thing to help kick yourself into action. You won’t want to miss this episode!

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Ep. 103: Continuous Course Correction Mindset

Ep. 103: Continuous Course Correction Mindset

This is one of those episodes you’ll want to absorb fully. In fact, even though the concept sounds simple—and indeed it really is—it’s the kind of thing you’ll probably want to come back to again. Maybe more than once. It’s about cultivating a mindset that will subtly improve a number of aspects of your life with ADHD. And over time, adopting this mindset WILL make your life easier!

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Ep. 102: When Your Day Falls Off the Rails

Ep. 102: When Your Day Falls Off the Rails

You know that feeling when your day spins out of control? How do you recover? Today we’re tackling some questions from a listener who wanted to know how to respond to one of those days when you’ve worked so hard to prevent them. If you’ve ever had a day go off the rails, then this episode is for you!

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