Kick Some ADHD
Our Latest Episode
#205 Travel Bell Curve
Want a tip for easier traveling with ADHD? Get tapped into the Travel Bell Curve. Don’t worry – it has nothing to do with math!
Ep. 66: Your Priorities Blueprint
With ADHD, it can be hard to know what to work on first. In this episode, we tackle priorities—everything from why they matter to a step-by-step approach that will have you more productive in no time
Ep. 65: Is ADHD Success Even Possible?
This week: what do we mean when we talk about “ADHD success?” Why do we care? Is it truly possible? And if so, how do we achieve it?
Ep. 64: ADHD Success is Sexy
Being a desirable partner can look very different early on in a relationship than how it looks in a committed, long-term one. Some of the very things that make those of us with ADHD attractive at the beginning can work against us later on. So how can we be the “sexy” partner we want to be for our significant others? Here are 5 ways!
Ep. 63: Fire Up Your Follow-Through
Do you start things with great enthusiasm only to lose steam and stop following through? Today we talk about understanding the reasons why those of us with ADHD struggle and how to fire up your follow-through!
Ep. 62: Strategic Procrastination
If you have ADHD, you’re going to procrastinate. We all know it. The key is to procrastinate strategically—and here’s how.
Ep. 61: Become Intimate with Your Procrastination
Ultimately, procrastination is at the root of many ADHD challenges. Today we talk about procrastination conversations: how to listen to them, what they mean, and how to move forward.
Ep. 60: Smash Those Big Rocks!
With ADHD, it can be a struggle to know whether to attack the big important things 1st or to get some quick wins & build momentum by tackling small stuff. Dana is changing her approach to this. What works for you?
Ep. 59: The ADHD Spot Treatment Technique
You don’t have to try to fix everything at once with ADHD. In fact, trying to do so will wear you out and leave you worse off. Here’s how to tackle specific issues AND decide what to focus on first!
Ep. 58: Is ADHD an Excuse or Explanation?
When is ADHD being used as an excuse and when is it a valid explanation for someone’s behavior? How can anyone tell? This is one of the most common questions Dana gets asked by people who have someone in their live who has ADHD. Her answers might surprise you!
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