Kick Some ADHD


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#213 Building ADHD Habits: Where to Start? (Replay Ep 197)

#213 Building ADHD Habits: Where to Start? (Replay Ep 197)

The fall season has officially started which means that you've probably shifted into a different daily / weekly schedule than you had over the summer. And if you have ADHD, at this point, you may be a bit overwhelmed. Because when we transition into a new chapter, we...

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Ep. 135: Easy ADHD Planning Prompts

Ep. 135: Easy ADHD Planning Prompts

Do you skip planning or struggle to plan… because it’s just no fun? Even spending a few quick moments making a plan can make your day go smoothly or even avert disasters! So here are 4 words to make planning easy for your ADHD brain!

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Ep. 134: Does ADHD Make You Clumsy?

Ep. 134: Does ADHD Make You Clumsy?

You know that bruise you can’t remember getting? What about the wall they JUST put there?! Ever have trouble walking in a straight line? Your clumsiness might be related to ADHD—and not just because you don’t pay attention! The science might just surprise you!

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Ep. 133: Forgiving ADHD

Ep. 133: Forgiving ADHD

Do you ever find yourself nursing old wounds and regrets? Do you wish that people had given you better support? Do you still have hurts over the way people treated you because of your ADHD? What about pain you’ve caused?

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Ep. 132: Are You Making ADHD Harder?

Ep. 132: Are You Making ADHD Harder?

Are you like many people with ADHD and have a strong urge to do something that actually makes your life harder? Yep… we can be like moths drawn to a flame. It’s a trap! Here’s what it is and how to get out of it!

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Ep. 131: 5 Steps for Starting

Ep. 131: 5 Steps for Starting

You know that feeling when you’re brain just won’t let you get started on something? It turns out that it’s not just you… there are actual reasons why! Learn about those plus the 5 steps you can use to get started!

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Ep. 130: Mindset Reset

Ep. 130: Mindset Reset

What if there were one thing that could be a huge drain on your mental and emotional energy? And what if making a simple change could have a dramatic positive impact on not just both of those, but also significantly improve your chances of making this new year the one you’re hoping for?

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Ep. 129: Resolutions ADHD Style

Ep. 129: Resolutions ADHD Style

Do New Year’s Resolutions work for anyone?! Certainly not for those of us with ADHD! There is something you CAN do to set your new year up for success though. Find out what 3 questions to ask yourself and hear how we each answer them!

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Ep. 128: How to Actually Exercise with ADHD (Replay #93)

Ep. 128: How to Actually Exercise with ADHD (Replay #93)

It's almost universal that this time of year a whole bunch of people want to get started exercising. But before you go crazy with it, we are bringing you an encore presentation of Ep. 93: Motivating Yourself to Exercise from earlier this season. Why? Because to...

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