Kick Some ADHD


Our Latest Episode

#203 Be a Good Friend

#203 Be a Good Friend

Are you a good friend? Or does your ADHD get in the way? I struggle at being a good friend and I’m tired of being that person. Here’s what I’m going to do.

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Ep. 49: Self-Talk Sabotage

Ep. 49: Self-Talk Sabotage

Have you ever noticed the tone and content of your self-talk? It can be incredibly revealing… but more importantly, it can be a powerful tool we use to shape our self-image and our performance as people with ADHD. We talk to ourselves—and you, the listener—all about this and more in this episode!

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Ep. 47: Kick Your ADHD-Inflamed Anxiety

Ep. 47: Kick Your ADHD-Inflamed Anxiety

ADHD brings anxiety along with it... at least for most of us. But when we talk about the two subjects together, we need to distinguish between the anxiety that nearly all of us experience and a so-called "anxiety disorder" that has a very specific medical definition....

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Ep. 46: Dana Guards Her No

Ep. 46: Dana Guards Her No

Ever get super excited about something & agree to do it… then regret your decision later when reality sets in? Today, we have a success story from Dana. Here’s a short & sweet episode that you’re not gonna wanna miss!

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Ep. 45: Dealing with ADHD Sleep Disruptors

Ep. 45: Dealing with ADHD Sleep Disruptors

In part 2 on ADHD & sleep, we talk about the 3 major categories of sleep disruptors. Awareness is once again a significant part of the battle, but we also talk about practical ways to improve them.

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Ep. 44: Your Sleep Sucks. So Does Your ADHD

Ep. 44: Your Sleep Sucks. So Does Your ADHD

Consider this: even non-ADHD brains will exhibit ADHD symptoms if they don’t get enough sleep. Imagine how much worse it is for those of us who DO have ADHD. The problem? Most of us struggle with sleep! In the first of 2 episodes on sleep, we talk about the major challenges we face, and how to build a sleep map!

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Ep. 43: Your Gut: More Than an Instinct

Ep. 43: Your Gut: More Than an Instinct

It’s a proven fact: gut health directly influences brain health. Everything from depression & anxiety to dopamine levels involve the gut and the vagus nerve. In this episode, we talk about how to take care of both.

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Ep. 42: Guard Your No

Ep. 42: Guard Your No

Often, those of us with ADHD have a hard time saying, “no.” This means we end up committed to a bunch of stuff that only adds to our overloaded to-do lists and leaves us suffering and missing important commitments. In this episode, we talk about why and how this happens, and what we can do to “guard our no.”

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Ep. 41: Mastering Meetings

Ep. 41: Mastering Meetings

Poorly run meetings are a boring waste of time. And they can be absolute torture for those of us with ADHD. In this episode, we talk about everything from how to get out of more unnecessary meetings to how to make your meetings work for you and others!

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