Kick Some ADHD
Our Latest Episode
#207 Priorities? What Priorities?
Let's talk about one of the challenges that many people with ADHD have: prioritization. You know...struggling with what to do when. And we are going to talk about this a little differently and focus on your intentions! Spend 10 minutes with me right now to learn this...
Ep. 84: Designing a Productive Day
How our days unfold can either strangle or boost our ability to get the right stuff done. Putting even a small effort into intentionally designing our lives can make a huge difference!
Ep. 83: Favorite Focusing Hacks
The “Holy Grail” of ADHD is the ability to focus at will. Is it possible? What does it even look like? This week, we explore some of our favorite ways to achieve better focus on demand.
Ep. 82: Are You Procrastibating?
What is “procrastibating” and how is it different from procrastinating? Find out in this episode! (It’s MOSTLY family friendly!)
Ep. 81: “Can’t” vs. “Can” in ADHD Land
For people with ADHD, the word “can’t” is a big indicator. We can save ourselves a lot of trouble if we learn to respect the “can’t.” We talk about why, but also ask the question—when is it best to push back against the “can’t?”
Ep. 80: Why Ask Why?
Learning to ask “why” is an incredibly powerful tool to help you live an easier life with ADHD. Today Dana talks about 3 specific times to ask “why,” and provides an important warning about “how” to ask “why.”
Ep. 79: Anti-Resolution Revolution
We kick off Season 3 with a frank discussion about why we’ve given up on new year’s resolutions. Instead, Dana introduces a framework for reflecting on the year gone by and thinking strategically & intentionally about the new year in front of us. You can do the same thing by answering 3 simple questions!
Ep. 78: Reducing ADHD Holiday Hazards
The holidays can be really hard on people with ADHD. There are loads of “shoulds” and “gottas” and pressures that pile up on top of lives that might already be running on the edge. How can we make the holidays more enjoyable and less stressful? We discuss that and much more in this episode!
Ep. 77: Underearning: Another ADHD Tax
People with ADHD tend to earn less that neurotypical peers for a variety of reasons. This creates yet another “tax” we can end up paying. This week, we take a shame-free look at the causes of underearning so we can evaluate what to do about it.
Ep. 76: Making Peace Between ADHD & Money
Money challenges with ADHD are incredibly common. Handling money is intertwined with so many prevalent ADHD symptoms that it’s presumed you’ll struggle at some point. This week, we continue an important conversation to help you make peace with money.
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Published Every Tuesday