Kick Some ADHD


Our Latest Episode

#219 Preheat the Project Oven

#219 Preheat the Project Oven

With ADHD, projects can be overwhelming… take for example: making dinner. There are soooo many steps that you need to take – choosing a recipe, chopping vegetables, getting out the ingredients, etc. We can get bogged down with all the steps, end up with lots of...

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#202 ADHD Gets Easier

#202 ADHD Gets Easier

Do you get frustrated with all you have to do to manage your ADHD?
Here is a reminder that living with ADHD can get easier.

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#200 Planning Low Bar

#200 Planning Low Bar

If you have ADHD, you need to plan, but it can be so hard. Here is the Planning Low Bar Method to help you get started!

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#199 ADHD Tip: Jumpstart Your Day

#199 ADHD Tip: Jumpstart Your Day

This week in the Kick Some ADHD podcast, we are going to take a different twist on getting started. Specifically, how to jumpstart your day so it’s productive and you get the important stuff done.

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#196 Unpacking ADHD Triggers

#196 Unpacking ADHD Triggers

Building awareness of your triggers is a key ADHD kicking skill that goes way beyond helping with rumination. Learning your triggers can help you in many areas of making your ADHD easier.

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#195 Can You Reinvent ADHD?

#195 Can You Reinvent ADHD?

You work long hours, forget appointments, lose things. You’re stressed out, disorganized, distracted. And you feel like this will never change.

So here’s my question: Is it possible to reinvent yourself when you have ADHD?

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