Kick Some ADHD
Our Latest Episode
#212 Can You Reinvent ADHD? (Replay Ep 195)
If you tuned into Episode 210 - Dealing with Difficult Times, then you know I've been dealing with some family challenges that resulted in a topsy turvy summer. So I'm doubling down on who I want to be. And that is someone who cares, delivers and shows up...and I'm...
Ep. 127: (Replay) The Stimulation Sweet Spot
Getting your brain activated and engaged at the right level is hugely important to having sustainable productive focus in our lives. But that's also a huge challenge! Overstimulating your ADHD brain can put you straight into overwhelm. Hyperfocus is tempting (and can...
Ep. 126: (Replay) Neuronerd Corner: Dopamine
Did you know that motivation is essentially a matter of dopamine in the brain? In this encore presentation, we nerd out over the most important neurotransmitter in the ADHD brain and how it affects us!
Ep. 125: How to Finish Things with ADHD
With ADHD, we tend to really enjoy starting things but then struggle to finish them—especially things that don’t have deadlines attached. This is extra painful when it’s something important to us personally. Here’s an approach you can use to finish those things (and many other types of things!) when you have ADHD.
Ep. 124: Foundations of Fabulous Focus
With ADHD, is there a way for you to engage with something—even if it’s boring—and then see it through to the end? Not because there’s an impending deadline or you’ve tricked yourself into hyperfocusing on it, but just because it’s worthwhile to do?
Ep. 123: Ways to Estimate Time with ADHD
Thanks in part to our ADHD time distortion, it's often very difficult for us to estimate how long something will take. This can become a significant problem at work when we're called upon to predict project schedules or craft proposals based upon labor hours, but it...
Ep. 122: How to Sneak Up on Your ADHD Time Horizon
In part 3 of our ADHD time series, Dana shows us a simple and incredibly useful way to game the system so that we take action earlier and reduce the stress and propensity for failure that comes with waiting until the last minute!
Ep. 121: Cultivating a Clearer Vision of Time
Following last episode’s discussion of how ADHD warps our view of time, we’re now looking practical ways to “unwarp” our perceptions of time to get more done, be more reliable, accomplish our goals, and live our values!
BONUS Kick: Adderall Shortage – Don’t Panic!
In our first-ever “BONUS Kick” episode, David calls Dana to talk about the Adderall shortage in the US. Even if you’re aren’t one of the many people with ADHD who is having a hard time getting your prescription filled right now, knowing what to do when you can’t get your ADHD medication could be a big help!
Ep. 120: ADHD’s Warped Vision of Time
Many of the struggles we face with ADHD are related in some way to how we experience time. But what’s behind our warped view of time? And why does it affect everything from friendships and marriages to job performance and finances?
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