
This time of year can be especially tricky for those of us with ADHD. There’s a reason why you might find yourself needing to rebuild some of the valuable things that help you manage your ADHD right now… and you’re not alone!

Even if you don’t have school-aged children in your life, transitioning out of summer and back into routines is something that likely affects you. And if you’re like others with ADHD, there are other times of year where similar patterns emerge.

So how do you tackle re-establishing habits and systems that support you? Dana walks us through this important process!

Squirrel of the Week

We take a quick dive into the world of trauma and how it might be affecting us or our loved ones. Here are two great resources to check out:

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.
Find it on Amazon:

What Happened to You?
by Oprah Winfrey, Bruce D. Perry
Find it on Amazon: