
Working from home with ADHD can be a dream come true. But for some of us with ADHD, we might once in a while find ourselves doing something completely unrelated to the work we’re responsible for doing.

Even if you’re self-employed, being off track during your work time leads to being behind schedule, which in turn creates additional stress and makes life unnecessarily difficult.

Today, we introduce the “Would I?” code. This is a simple technique you can use when working from home to help make sure you’re staying focused and productive during working times.

This tool helps bring quick clarity and helps us be more aware that we’ve strayed off track. Once we’ve come to the realization that we are off track, it creates an opportunity for us to consider why we’re off track. This involves asking a simple question:

“Am I distracted or procrastinating?”

Being brutally honest with ourselves in answering that question gives us some really practical insight into how to move forward. You won’t want to miss Dana’s advice on this!

How does the “would I?” code help you? Share your comments here or hit us up on Facebook or Twitter! Also don’t forget that membership on our Kicker’s Team is coming soon! Find out more and get a head start at

Want other tips for working from home?